"You can't explain obsession, Tom. It just is."
-Lynette Scavo, Desperate Housewives, "I Wish I Could Forget You"

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Some Fun

Snagged this from another LJ while I was searching for Friday Night Lights fanfic. I just thought it would be fun.

1) The first character I fell in love with:

I'd have to say Lynette. Mary Alice drew me in and hooked me in the first couple of seconds and, initially, I thought that Susan was going to be my favorite (oh, do not mock me...she was not nearly so annoying in the beginning), but Lynette was the first one I loved. It was that moment when she broke down on the soccer field to Susan and Bree; I just knew I'd love her forever.

2) The character I never expected to love as much as I do now:

Carlos. He was such a jerk at the beginning and then they slowly melded him into a lovable jerk (last season's drama with Lynette aside).

3) The character everyone else loves that I don't:

Bree. I don't mind Bree, but everyone else loves her and I certainly don't. She's just too unrelenting and hypocritical for me to really feel a connection to.

4) The character I love that everyone else hates:

I'm not sure there is one for DH. I seem to be able to better tolerate Susan more than a lot of other people do, but I do not love her in any way, shape or form.

5) The character I would sex up or make out with anytime:

Uh, this one should be so obvious. Tom. Love him.

6) The character I'd want to be like:

Want to be like? Probably Karen McCluskey once I'm a little old lady. I want to be feisty like that.

7) The character I'd slap:

Mike. Because he is a douche.

8) A pairing that I love:

Another obvious one: Tom and Lynette. Seriously, since the moment they danced together in the living room in "Pretty Little Picture" I have been in love with them. They top the charts of my all-time faves.

9) A pairing that I despise:

Edie and Carlos. She turned into a such a mess around him and I never understood why. Edie just always seemed so above and beyond that, so I never liked that she became this pathetic sob story around him. Plus it was SO obvious that Carlos and Gaby were going to end up back together, so it was a waste of time.

10) Favorite character:

Lynette. Obviously.

11) What are your five favorite things about your fandom?

1) That they're really faithful to the pairings. Especially Tom and Lynette.
2) How over-the-top the comedy can be. See Gaby pushing Carlos out the window for a prime example.
3) That usually they don't drag the storylines on for too long. They don't outlive their interest. The exception, of course, are the mystery storylines which I ALWAYS think go on too long.
4) The little side characters. Bob and Lee and Karen are all fantastic. Martha Huber was amazing. Karl. I could go on.
5) The group scenes. These actors are fantastic and when they're all put in one scene together it's like gold.

12) What are your five least favorite things about your fandom?

1) The recent retconning of stuff. I hate where they've taken Bree in the past year.
2) Not enough focus on the four main characters. They keep squeezing in too many side plots and then they cut away from the main characters. And usually Gaby and Lynette get the shaft and they're my faves.
3) John Rowland. Enough said.
4) The disaster episodes. It was like they took a formula that worked once and pushed it past the realm of believability. The plane crash last year was atrocious.
5) They have a tendency to close storylines by killing someone off. Sometimes (not always) that seems like a cop-out.

13) Who are your five favorite characters?

1) Lynette
2) Tom
3) Lee
4) Gaby
5) Mary Alice

14) Who are your five least favorite characters?

1) Applewhites
2) Kayla
3) Rick
4) Ana
5) Julie

15) What are your five favorite pairings?

1) Tom/Lynette
2) Gaby/Carlos
3) Bree/Rex
4) Susan/Mike
5) Karl/Edie

16) What are your five least favorite pairings?

1) Edie/Carlos
2) Katherine/Mike
3) Susan/anyone but Mike or Karl
4) Gaby/Victor
5) Julie/Austin

17) Which character are you most like?

Hmm. Lynette in the whole has to be strong/control issues/too obsessed with work way, but I definitely have some of Susan's dippy, romantic side to me (without all the drama).

18) What is your deep, dark fandom secret?

I have every Tom and Lynette scene saved on my computer for easy access.

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