"You can't explain obsession, Tom. It just is."
-Lynette Scavo, Desperate Housewives, "I Wish I Could Forget You"

Friday, March 4, 2011

Fic Request Round 2

We're coming up on another hiatus, and I've hit a wall with some of my fics, so I think I'm going to do another request round. It probably won't be a fic per day like December, but I'm going to try to stay close to that. So if you have a request please let me know in the comments.


  1. I’ve always (strangely) been a big Paul Young fan. The last few episodes shed light on Paul’s hidden vulnerabilities, insecurities, doubts, anguish, and emotional/psychological state of mind. It’d be great if you can do a fanfic that delves into Paul Young’s POV. Thanks!

  2. On the list! Thanks for making a request!
