"You can't explain obsession, Tom. It just is."
-Lynette Scavo, Desperate Housewives, "I Wish I Could Forget You"

Monday, September 19, 2011

Premiere Week: Day One

I thought I'd take some time this week to share my thoughts about the various shows I watch.  Believe it or not, I do watch more than Desperate Housewives; of course, with the exception of Parks and Rec (I have watched every episode of that at least twenty times now), nothing comes close to touching that obsession.  But the truth is that I love TV--it's as simple as that.

So here we go.

How I Met Your Mother

I don't think I did more than faintly smile during either of tonight's episodes, which isn't exactly a ringing endoresement for a comedy.  This show, for me, has been hit or miss with the comedy for the past few seasons.  The only truly hilarious moment I remember last year was the episode where they were racing through NYC, and that was mostly because of the genius that was Marshall Vs. The Machine.  However, I think the show does those big, emotional moments really well.  Last year, I absolutely bawled during the episode with Marshall's father's funeral.  (Of course, if I'm honest, I cry very easily; I'm pretty sure I cry weekly at Parenthood, but that's another story.)  Anyway, for me tonight, the comedy wasn't the most enjoyable part of the show.

So, the big moments for me.  The funniest part (the part I smiled the broadest at) was the montage of Ted crying while giving toasts.  I hope that the show continues its trend and actually creates those videos.

I was oddly mesmerized by Barney and Robin's dance scene.  I remember Neil Patrick Harris mentioning that he was going to be dancing  on the show when he guest judged on So You Think You Can Dance, and it exceeded my wildest expectations.  I probably could have watched an entire episode of them dancing, especially with the subtle Dirty Dancing references.  They harkened back not only to an awesome movie, but also to Barney's amazing claim that he lost his virginity at Kellerman's.  Excellent scene.

The other huge moment for me was the return of Victoria!  I actually cheered (out loud; luckily no one was around to mock me).  After a string of obnoxious girlfriends for Ted, climaxing with the horrible Zoey, I am so excited to see her back!  Of course, that just leaves me with a string of hopes: hope that she sticks around for awhile; hope that Ted doesn't ruin the relationship again; hope that, somehow (it would be a miracle), she is actually the mother.  Regardless, though, what a breath of fresh air in this aging show.

Unfortunately, other than that, I didn't find too much to get excited about in either episode.  I was disappointed by the fact that Lily really had very little too do.  She is one of my favorite characters, and I hope this isn't indicative of how the pregnancy arc will go.  It seemed redudant to have Marshall get plastered in both episodes, especially as it wasn't particularly humorous.  And Martin Short is already wearing on my nerves.

As for the resurrection of Barney/Robin, I have mixed feelings.  I was a huge fan of this pairing back in the day.  Until they actually got together, and it was a trainwreck.  The only way I would be okay with this is if they truly are going to let Barney finally grow up.  (Also: it's about time; his schtick is really growing thin.)  Even then, Robin...Nora...I don't particularly care who he marries.  And indifference is probably the worst emotion to invoke.

So overall, I'd say B-.

That's it for Monday.  I'm watching the premiere of 2 Broke Girls right now.  To give a two sentence review: it seems pretty witty, but I'm not laughing out loud.  If they move it to right after HIMYM I'll probably continue watching, but if it remains after the abominable Two and a Half Men, there's a good chance I'm done.

Well, that's my lightest night of viewing.  Tune back in tomorrow for New Girl, Parenthood and possibly my return to Glee.

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